the divine field

astrology + tarot

You are already in the field .

“What does it mean to be orientated? How do we begin to know or to feel where we are, or even where we are going, by lining ourselves up with the features of the grounds we inhabit, the sky that surrounds us, or the imaginary lines that cut through maps? How do we know which way to turn to reach our destination?”—Sara Ahmed, Queer Phenomenology

I think of a casted chart as a field within a field.

The word field is one that we use when we want to encompass widely, when we don’t want to narrow down. A field is both its expanse and the accumulation of its grasses.

We can never hold or fully understand the entirety of the field, but we can be in and experience the portions that we encounter.

At times the field we are in is intimately known to us and familiar, while, at other times, it can seem as if the field has shifted and left us in the middle of a great wide area with no signposts, no guides, and no idea of which direction to go in or what to do next.

In those times of flux and dissonance, the tool of astrology can act as a compass.

Astrology is a way of reading the field and divining a pathway — not through or out of the field but as a way of reconnecting with it.

Your field of experience is just one amongst an infinite number of other fields which  together make up the universe.

In this way, I think of the cosmos as the divine field and when I read a casted chart I approach it as a portion of that field that we get to interact with — a way of understanding our place within the universe and how we are part of its intricate network.

I use the word divine not to suggest a particular god or religion but rather to point to the intuitive and intelligent design of the universe and to the divinatory nature of astrology and tarot which give us a peak into that design.

To understand your own field — your own chart — is a way of cultivating an understanding of the larger fields that we are all a part of.

Astrology is a practice by which we try to understand the phenomena of our existence; how our fields interact with the fields of others; how all fields are interconnected; a reminder that life is not linear; that the context is bigger than the part of the field that you directly experience.

That is the perspective from which I would like to practice and collaborate with you.

The charts we read and/or the array of cards we receive during a consultation are the divine fields by which we will seek to understand the phenomena, the interplay, of your question.

The goal is clarity and understanding, as well as appreciation for how and why the field is unfolding as it is—and your role in that unfolding.

The following is a list of offerings from which we can begin.

astrology reading: during our time together we will look at your chart and talk about the planets and their aspects*, ask and attempt to answer questions you might have about the planetary energies you’re experiencing, and contemplate the themes and messages that the patterns are attempting to teach and reveal.

the length of the reading will be at least an hour for $85.

if you are interested in scheduling an astrology reading, please fill out this form to schedule.

*I use the whole sign houses system and have been trained in the Hellenistic approach taught by Nightlight Astrology.

astrology + tarot reading: this offering combines a reading of your birth chart and a drawing of cards. depending on your query I might draw cards in conversation with a certain planet and/or I might draw cards first and incorporate a chart analysis in response to the cards. the particular collaboration between the tarot and the astrology will be intuitively created in collaboration between you, me, and the divine and will be unique for every reading.

the length of the reading will be at least an hour for $100.

if you are interested in a tarot + astrology reading, please fill out this form to schedule.

tarot reading: for this offering I will bring your question to the divine on my own and send you an audio recording along with pictures of the tarot spread.

readings will be between 30-60 minutes, depending on the clarity and complexity of the messages that the cards relay.

if the reading is closer to 30 minutes, the reading will be $75; if the reading is closer to 60 minutes, the cost will be $100.

if you are interested in a tarot reading, please fill out this form to schedule.